Full Moon Nov. 27, 2023 at 4:16 a.m. eastern time: in Taurus - Rohini: Acts of Service and Kindness 

Rohini is a sign of what it’s like to be human on the spiritual path. Its ruling deity Brahma and ruling planets Venus and the Moon give it the shakti/power of creation. One of Rohini’s symbols is the banyan tree, where it’s said Buddha meditated and attained enlightenment. Another is the chariot, reminding us we are the drivers and must actively be involved in our paths. The chariot can also be symbolic of the human body - the vehicle through which we get to experience the spiritual. And finally another is the temple, an earthly space we go to connect with divinity. These all remind us of the importance of the journeys we are on, on both the physical and spiritual planes.

This Full Moon is exalted in Taurus in Rohini “the red one,” making its inherent qualities of kindness, caring and comfort easily expressed. During the days around the Moon, it’s recommended to give equal time to your spiritual and physical practices. As this Moon pulls in Venus, being creative, making or appreciating art is a way to honor the energy around us. As we more look more deeply at this Moon, we see honoring our connections and holding space in a loving and caring way are the keys to expressing our divinity. 

The Moon (emotions/heart/mind) is often connecting with other planets, so is almost never without a challenge or tension to process. (Read that again!) This time, it’s directly negotiating with the Sun (the soul/ego) and Mars (action/impulse), fiery planets who recently moved into Scorpio, adding intensity to an already extreme time as many planets concurrently shift, and others are ruled by or connecting with Mars. This can create thoughtlessness and make us act on impulse. Or it can ignite our passion and encourage us to leap to another’s aid. When we look to other planetary rulers, like Venus recently in Virgo, we see acts of service emerging as the love language of the moment. The first pada of Rohini (the specific degrees of this Moon) appreciates this kind of action, reinforcing the overall lunar message. All signs lean towards supporting others rather than letting our anger and egos get in the way.

Some questions to consider, taking into consideration the recent shifts in the sky:

*What practices come easily to you?

*What practices are calling you?

*How are you being creative?

*What seva (selfless service) are you doing, or want to do?

*Who needs your help?

*How can you show up for others, and help create more comfort, security and calm? Or — will these areas be disrupted because we feel undeserving of them, or because all we’ve known is mental/emotional chaos and so stability is too foreign to embrace? 

*Can you find the courage to embrace the loving offering of this Full Moon? Or will the shadow side of Rohini emerge, which can show up as be never being satisfied?

*Will we engage and move forward with love and forgiveness and without attachment to the outcome, or will the fear the ego creates lead the way?

*Can we honor the temple within?

Suggestions based on the planetary rulers and connections:

*Clean out clothes, makeup, jewelry. Help another with this (Venus items / Venus in Virgo inclinations). Donate what you can!

*Cook with/for loved ones (food is lunar love language, esp for Taurus. Remember the microbiome and agni don’t want food prepared too far in advance so meal prepping for the week extinguishes the digestive fire. Same goes for eating leftovers.)

*Give massage - to yourself or loved one (Mars/Scorpio inclination/ see resources page for Ayurvedic self massage abhyanga)

*Donate food, clothing, health care / feminine products or other security items to organizations or those in need.




Nov 28, 2023-May 29, 2025: Rahu in Pisces / Ketu in Virgo: The Analytic Mystic


New Moon in Vishakha Nov 13, 2023 4:27am ET: What Are You Choosing?