It’s a Busy Few Days: Solar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde, Jupiter shifts – all in Aries

It’s a Busy Few Days: Solar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde, Jupiter shifts – all in Aries

Eclipses are powerful events that are revealing in nature. They can usher in massive change, especially if they “hit” your chart in a profound way (this requires a reading or knowing the degrees of your planets). Truths that have been hidden come out, often emerging right on the eclipse date or within the months following. Eclipses allow us to tune in to areas of life as a powerful spotlight is shined on our karmic beliefs and connections, whether they are up for release or up for further engagement. Eclipses magnify whatever we focus on so use this energy to help further you along your path. Before the eclipse, write down your vision for yourself. Be clear about your intentions. Meditate on this during the eclipse. Eclipses are not supportive times to sign contracts, lend money, or do typical everyday things. Focusing inward on your spirituality is much more aligned with the energetics of an eclipse.


SOLAR ECLIPSE: April 20 at 00:13am eastern time

The New Moon/hybrid Solar Eclipse is in Ashwini, a degree of sidereal Aries ruled by the Ashwin Twins, the miracle workers of the Vedas, who have a direct connection to Ayurveda, the Mother of All Healing. Ashwini’s symbol is the horse, and is also linked to Prana, the vital life force. This eclipse is encouraging us to breathe life into ideas and areas that need support/healing, and that we will have the stamina to do so. The Lunar Eclipse on May 5 in Libra/Vishakha reinforces the idea that goals are achieved over time with strength, determination and exuberance.


MERCURY RETROGRADE: April 20 at 4:35am

Four hours later, Mercury stations retrograde in Aries until May 14 at 23:17. It begins in Bharani, the Bearer/Doula, and shifts back to Ashwini the Healer on May 7. Mercury retrograde can create miscommunication, misunderstandings and other frustrations, but it also offers us an opportunity to pause, reflect and reevaluate our paths. The beginning of this retrograde asks us to look at our personal/creative process and to actively question it: Is it working? Are we happy with how we are using our energy? What needs adjusting?


During this particular retrograde, we might feel the existential weight to be more in alignment with our karmic paths (thanks to the eclipse) and with our spiritual/ethical/dharmic lives (thanks to Jupiter). We might even find ourselves asking: Is what I’m doing truly what I am meant to be doing? Thankfully, the planetary connections we are experiencing over the next few weeks and months are highly motivated. Clarity, fast action and forward movement is likely to come quickly, once the retrograde releases.


JUPITER IN ARIES: April April 21, 2023 at 19:45pm until May 1, 2024 at 3:30am

And finally, a day plus 19 hours after the eclipse occurs, Jupiter joins the cluster of planets, magnifying its already intense energy, as it shifts into Aries for the next year. Jupiter likes to be in Aries, as it brings more optimism, joy, courage and a strong ability to lead. Expansive Jupiter will be sitting with innovative yet rascally Rahu until Nov 28, 2023, which will create mixed results at times. These two can be a powerful force and a highly visionary duo with the potential to create new paths for ourselves and for our communities. However, their merged energy needs to be well directed with strong intention and purpose, especially as they are in the fire sign of Aries for the rest of the year, giving them potential for revolutionary and also volatile events. Saturn is influencing them, keeping them in check at times or hindering their progress at others. Jupiter’s drive is to elevate, expand, direct and protect. Rahu needs strong guidelines and some wiggle room to brainstorm and explore the possibilities. Our personal responsibilities during this time will be to know when to let these two run free and when to call them back in so they can get to work manifesting.



It is rare to have these kinds of planetary events occurring at the same time. Each one is a powerful event which, on its own, has strong influence on us and our societies. All three coming together intensifies each of the expressions above we are working with. The current energy of unrest and change due to shifts in the sky is further magnified with the “gandanta tied spiritual knot” degrees we have been dealing with for the last few and the next few weeks. Gandanta times are moments when the soul is bridging two ways of being, and is being pushed towards transformation. It can be characterized by polarizing emotions and is often met with resistance. If we are open to the inevitable upleveling it’s presenting us, then we can align with it, “unravel the spiritual knot,” and move forward in our lives in an elevated way. But this gandanta time can be enough to push some over the edge – and we have 3 other powerful events happening at the same time! We are in an intense time, for sure.


While the sign of Aries (present in each planetary event) can be a fearless and exuberant trailblazer and activist, it can also be arrogant and quick to react. For those who aren’t listening to their authentic truths but rather coming from a space of group thinking and being ready to fight, this Aries energy will be like throwing fuel on the fire. Really, this is meant to be a time of transformation and healing now over the next 6-7 months… but we are still on that bridging place where we’ve been called to uplevel, and some are resisting or digging their heels more deeply into their old ways. Change is inevitable, and it will come through actions and activism (Aries) we take on our visions for ourselves and our tribe that will be uplifting and supportive to the greater good (Jupiter), forward-thinking (Rahu), and sustainable (Saturn). It’s time to be the light workers we were called here to be.



Lunar Eclipse May 5, 2023: What’s Next?


Full Moon in sidereal Virgo in Hasta April 6, 2023 at 00:35am eastern time: The Power is in Your Hands